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Spring Break

I survive with no phone but it comes today. The whole spring break we were moving things to the new house and buying things for the new house. We all have our own bathroom. My room is in the main floor, my brother has the basement, and my mom had all of upstairs. While doing my physical therapy excersises, my knee popped out of place then back in. It got swollen and red. Now my mom is going to schedule another MRI for me because I may need surgery. I was screaming. I also went to the park with my brother and his girlfriend. After that we got ice cream. I got cake batter and it tasted so bad. It had chunks of it in it. It was nasty. Then when we went home, that’s when I re injured myself. I also went to a place called Grand Stand by the white Sox stadium. I got a sweater. And on the 21st of this month, me and my dad are going to a game. They also play on my birthday September 5th. Since my mom works at guaranteed rate, she can get me good seats and free tickets and maybe I can get their early and have the players sign a ball for me.


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